Sunday, March 15, 2015

iTU reflection

My culture unit for the iTunes course has given me a chance to step back and reflect on the work I am currently doing with my students. It also allows me to consider how to make the material available for students who may not be physically in the class or absent from class a great deal. 

The iTU platform appears to be a place to store and deliver your course material. Passing in and grading the assessments is unclear. I am assuming you would use another platform for that and am wondering how much maintenance that will entail. I currently use E-Backpack which I find extremely organized and user friendly; however, I don't love the comment section for grading essays. Last year I used Google Drive which was very hard to maintain, but I did like the ability to make comments on student essays. I have not checked out Google Classroom, which a few of my colleagues are now using. 

Course manager on the Mac was frustrating to use in the editing section. It kept logging me out and not saving my work. The iPad was better although when I did go from an App to the iPad, after a recent update, it logs me out of iTU. That was a bit annoying. I'm looking forward to moving from the outline to the posts, materials and assignment section. 


  1. I was wondering about the assignments and grading aspects as well! Perhaps it is embedded somewhere and we just haven't discovered it yet???

  2. I join in the uncertainty of how students submit work and for me to return it graded and with comments .... can it somehow be linked with Google Classroom?
